Power Plant Remodel
Weston, WI
As a sub-tiered engineer/consultant to one of the project’s general contractors, Clark Dietz provided the HVAC and secondary electrical systems design for the remodel of the Weston 4 power plant facility’s existing office and the new control and operations building (dark building shown in foreground of picture). The five-story building houses the main control and operations functions of the plant including maintenance, labs, storage, simulator, training, and general operations offices.
- 280,000+ feet of pipe
- 2.3 million feet of pulled cable
- 23,000 boiler pressure welds
- 73,000 yards of concrete
- Project wins the “clean coal technology” trifecta by using low-sulfur subbituminous Powder River Basin coal, state-of- the-art air quality control systems, and supercritical combustion technology (Wisconsin Public Service Corp’s 530-MW)
- The project included a critical path milestone incorporating a plant distributed control system that provided operators with hands-on experience before the plant went on-line. Simulated operations training can increase the plant’s reliability upon start-up