Sam Robertson, PE, CFM
Civil/Environmental Team Leader, Central Indiana
Graduating from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Sam brings over 20 years of experience as a Professional Engineer and Certified Floodplain Manager. Sam’s professional history includes work on stormwater, wastewater, and potable water related projects. His experience includes hydraulic and hydrologic modeling analysis, modeling calibration, utility master plans, drainage improvements, drainage site designs, constructed wetlands, and FEMA floodplain mapping. Sam is proficient in a variety of modeling and design software such as PCSWMM, XPSWMM, and EPA SWMM as well as other hydrologic and hydraulic modeling software’s. He frequently uses ESRI ArcGIS to integrate GIS and modeling files for analysis. His professional affiliations include the Water Environment Federation and the Indiana Association of Floodplain and Stormwater Management.